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Life Hack Ambassador - Mates at RMIT

Mates at RMIT is a social mentorship program designed to foster mutual support between RMIT students and create a friendly RMIT community. In this program, existing RMIT students ("mentors") are paired with new students ("mentees") to help them quickly settle into university life in Melbourne. The mentorships take place in various forms, including social meetups, trips and competitions, both online and offline. 


Life Hack Ambassador is an initiative where RMIT student mentors can assist in providing short videos regarding their specific topics of interest. As the Life Hack Ambassador for the topics of Transport and Getting Around in Melbourne, my videos focus on sharing advices to use the local public transport and ticketing system. I also provided tips to help students explore Melbourne and Victoria, as those who live in the CBD tend to not going beyond the Free Tram Zone and thereby missing out many attractions outside the city. 


Besides, I also made two other videos featuring tips to maintain English during lockdown (especially for those who live with co-nationals) and to maximize semester break times.


My posts can be found on the Mates at RMIT Instagram page.​

Featured on Mates at RMIT website


Transport & Getting Around 1

Transport & Getting Around 2

Maintaining English during lockdown

Making good use of semester breaks

Talk Apax & Apax Show and Tell

Talk Apax is a series of talk shows held for students at Apax Leaders (which was then called Apax English) to express their opinions on what matters to them in English. According to our research, critical thinking & presentation skills are often lack among Vietnamese pupils as the national curriculum does not put an emphasize on helping children build these skills. Furthermore, in the Vietnamese society children are expected to follow the opinions of seniors instead of challenging them, which limits their ability to think outside the box.


To tackle this problem, I joined my colleagues in Apax's Content team to create Talk Apax. Each episode involves two students with contrasting opinions on an issue, and a teacher who would act as the host. The students will discuss and sometimes debate while the teacher lead the talk and ensure the friendly atmosphere. 


Due to the program format, students need to be in CEFR level A2/B1 onwards to participate. Consequently, after 3 episodes, we introduced a spin-off called Show and Tell for younger students in lower levels. The show is an updated version of the traditional show-and-tell activitiy, in which children can draw, sing or take part in a challenge to support their talk.


Both shows have been highly welcomed by students, teachers and their parents alike, as children find them an exciting opportunity to discuss issues they normally would not be able to talk in a classroom or home environment.


Full playlist of Talk Apax & Show and Tell:


Talk Apax episode 2

Show and Tell episode 3

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